Monthly Archives: April 2009

Rodies Finale…..

The tasks were not fair for girls…..

Now  I don’t like Palak….and I am super glad that she did not win and did not reach the final two also….but the Joomering task was definitely  not fair for any girl taking part( I have tried it and so I can be so sure of it)…..yes as Ranvijay said…there is a technique to it…..but it also requires arm strength to pull your body up…now I am sure a girl and a guy cannot compete on a task which requires  sheer strength……

Even the last finale task was a task tested sheer strength…..not fair again…if a girl and guy reached the finals….

No wonder no girl has even won Rodies……

Well some tasks were gender neutral…like the walking on the plank…. Come on  MTV…I hope the producers come up with gender neutral tasks in the next episode….and see girl power shine…


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Core Competency and Life Plan…..

Ever wondered what is it that you are really good at….or what is it that you really like to do? What is your core competency? Is your core competency and what you like to do constant or does it change with time and experience…?These are thoughts that play at least on my mind very often……and I don’t have the exact answers….


I think what you like to do by and large remains the same…but your core competency changes with your experiences…..


So what is it that I like to do…..??


Well I love meeting new people ….breaking the ice…connecting with people…learning new things….being the center of the action…..convincing/cajoling people to my way of thinking…..


So what would be the ideal job profiles for me….Sales…..Teaching ….Marketing….. Media…Politics!? Any more  idea’s anyone!?


Sales….I am currently doing that….and loving it…I have been with this company for almost 4 years…initially few years I would change projects/roles every 3-6 months….cause I would get so frustrated with what I was suppose to do…..and eveytime I would think now is the time to leave and move on…I would get a new role…which would interest me for sometime while it was new  and then I would be why on earth am I doing here wasting my time………been with the Sales team for a year and a half and I am loving every minute of it….and I think I am doing a good job out of it….( it would help if my boss thinks that too….i don’t know if he agrees or not…but I am sure he does not completely disagree! But I am happy with it…so that is what matters!)


 Now I think ‘Sales’ I am in the perfect role for me….but I think the industry is wrong….IT is not my core competency….I don’t understand it…I am not a techie….I currently sell ‘to’ the healthcare wellness industry…..ideally….I should be selling ‘for’ the healthcare and wellness industry….I guess that is what my next role would be..


While I am very happy with what I am currently doing….I think my next role that I would like to explore would be one of the following

1)      International Sales– Is selling to people of a different cultural any different from selling here….? Is it difficult to connect with them… experience with international rotractors has showed me it is pretty much the same..

2)      Selling for Wellness/Healthcare- Well…..I would love to have a corporate  marketing/operations  role in the likes of a Lakme Beauty Saloons equivalent….I dream to start my own unique wellness center when I am 40….so experience in a expanding chain would come handy….


So that is what I want to do in the next 10 years… achieve my dream for the subsequent 10!



Once I turn 50….I will turn to teaching…..all the gyan that I gain over the years on sales…marketing…setting up new business…I will use it to teach the youngsters….and I will make good money out of working part time…Training/Mentoring is something I am very passionate about…..and it is something that I am sure I will be  good at…but I just feel I don’t know enough of  anything to teach….I am climbing up the learning bell curve myself…..


Depending on how the next 20 years go….maybe I will get into politics….it is ironical of me to even say something like that at this stage…cause I hate politics and politicians….I know nothing about it…and don’t even care to vote…..but what do politicians do is sell a dream…..he they were honest and no corrupt….it would be quite an interesting job to do!


Well Well…this has become a looong post…..the initial objective was to identify my core competency…..but as all posts…this took its own course…and an interesting one I think!


 In the next 20 years along with achieving all these things…..I want to get married (hope to find someone I can grow with….and someone I who I can help to grow and achieve our dreams together!)….and have two babies (siblings are a must!)…that is also all a part of my agenda!!


If WordPress exists 20 years from now….and I chance upon this post……I will think back on this day….and smile….I hope I feel I have achieved what I set out to do…..Inshalla!


In the meanwhile….any help …idea’s…connections….views….comments I get are welcome!! J



Filed under Thoughts and Feelings


Preceding  Password Protected Post


Well… want to read the PPPP….preceding password protected post J all you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your e-mail id!

Pings on g-talk wont work….:-) I dont know the password to the post either!

A comment on this post is all that is needed and you will get an auto reply with the password…..well….ofcourse only if your IP address is not  on the blocked list created for the previous post!!

PS- if you dont get an e-mail back…..get the hint and dont ask me for the password! 😉



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Protected: Love My Work!!

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Obama’s Speech on Economic Crisis on 14th April!

Well Barrack Obama is one rocking speaker… for all the people who have been following him and his campaign over the last many months would say….good morning….were you sleeping all these days…this is stale news….everyone knows he is a good speaker……well….ya…everyone know…and I have heard/read that he is good…and also watched snippets of his speeches on news etc etc.but for the first time…I actually saw an entire speech  that he was giving live on CNN by chance…..


I was swapping channels….and there he was starting his address on the world economic crisis and everything his administration has done to counter it…and boy was he good or what….logical… genuine…inspiring turst….


He started with how the entire meltdown started…..and why it became a mess…..the subprime crisis etc etc….all explained so simply that it was engaging and endearing…he then went on and spoke about the measures they are taking to tackle the crisis….he confronted everything that was criticized about his policies head on…..was serious…was humorous…..came across as very very honest and upfront……and like someone who knew what he was talking about and was in complete control of the situation…..he was not all positive….and said things are still bad…..and may get worse….but  the message was … “trust me…..I know what I am doing”…..and you felt like trusting him…..I was sitting there miles away watching his speech on TV and nodding my head in agreement….it almost felt he is talking to me…..if  he could connect with me…..sitting  across the TV set…..I wonder the kind of effect he would have on his live audience….he spoke for over half an hour….did not seem to have a written speech he was referring to….did not seem to be looking into tele-prmotors and specking…..he seemed so genuine and  speaking straight from the heart…..


No wonder he won the elections…..  


I am not going to review the content of his speech…..I am no expert….but he won himself another fan today……All the very best to President Barrack Obama….


Find the speech and Watch it!



Read the content of the speech at:


PS- if someone finds the video link for the speech….do share it with me…I want to watch the entire speech again and analyze it from a speakers perspective and learn the art of great oratory!


 PS2- If you want to become a good speaker…and you are not a natural like Obama…Join Toastmasters Club and enhance your speaking skills!


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New Girl!


Well…new girl in the place i go to eveyday (I am deliberatly trying to avoid direct refernce to the palce)…sweet…sincere…pretty….sensible…single…(??)….there was a buzz…..everyone was all around the place wanting to get introduced…..and generally talk…….was I reading too much……or was there love in the air….some electricity….some buzz…..was it my imagination…….or was it true…..!!??


Was initially fun to watch….after sometime got a little tiresome…J. I guess the next few days will tell….isse love story mein aage kya hoga!? Looking forward to it…..


How I wish some new cute boys/men come in too sometime…..! Wishful thinking….! J But umeed pe duinya kayam hai!! 😀


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Where Rainbows End…Cecelia Ahern

Interesting style of writing….it is different…..the entire book…and it is a big one….almost 600 pages is a set of letters/notes/e-mails/chat msg written by different people in Rosie and Alex’s life!

Let me try and explain…..

The book has notes Rosie writes to Alex her friend sitting in class when they are in primary school…..its letters which the principal writes to the parents…so you know Rosie and Alex have been upto mischief….As they grow up..its chat msg with their siblings….friends…parents…wedding invites….death information…..e-mail on new jobs…letters on how they feel….etc etc….there is nothing other than letters/mails/Chat msg in the book….and you know everything that is happening in their life through them….and it spans 50 years of their life! It is almost like reading private mail/msg of people and knowing all that is happening in their life….

Now for what the book is about…..Its about friends and lovers…and soul mates! (ya another one in a row….I picked both of them from the beach in Goa….maybe it’s a sign…..!)

Anyways….Rosie and Alex are childhood school friends….Alex moves away in high school…they keep in touch….they both think they love each other…..but eveytime  they are about to get together…something goes wrong….Alex does not make it to the Debs night cause he misses his flight….Rosie gets pregnant with someone else’s baby….Alex get married…gets divorced…..Rosie…get married..gets divorced….Alex gets married again…..they remain best friends through think and thin…….Alex is in love with Rosie….and even writes to her to tell her this…but the letter gets misplaced…..Rosie finds the letter 10 years latter but thinks Alex is happily married so does not want to spoil his equilibrium….and this goes on and on……this the time they are 50……and that’s when they finally get together!!

Thank God….Finally….could they simply not have met earlier…!

This is also a chick flick….but a nice one… for its style of writing….very different…and nice…you feel you have a private peep to their lives… and two it spans over 50 years…..and it makes you think…….what am I doing with my life….what is life going to be when I am 50….am I making the right decisions…..did I make the right decisions in the past…..and generally introspect….you feel sad when Rosie is sad….you are happy when Rosie is happy…..I guess that is what a good book is about……even if it is 600 pages….

Although I personally liked the book…I may not recommend it to too many people….especially to the boys….cause end of the day it is a chick flick…and even to the girls who don’t have patience to read……it is 600 pages of letters after all… pick it only if you are an avid reader……it may make you re think your life for a short period…but don’t worry…I don’t think it would have any long lasting implications!!


Filed under Book Review

Something to Talk About – Sarah Webb

Yet another book review……people who dont read…can skip it for sure……others can also skip it!

A nice chick flick with a pink and white cover and all….its about Lucy and Max ……Friends or Lovers……thats the theme of this book!

Lucy and Max are childhood friends….Lucy keeps trying to set Max up with girls…and Max kind of likes her…but she keeps trying to set him up with other people and says that they are just friends….everyone around looks at them and know that they are meant to be….eveyone but they themselves…know that they are meant to be… Max likes and goes around with one of the girls Lucy want to set him up with some….Lucy kind of likes someone…..some stories around that…and in the end they realize that they are meant for each other….and they are soul mates (… soul mates exisit! 🙂 !!?? where is mine! ) they kiss and live happily ever after….

 Typical Chick flick….no value addition in reading it… know the end even before you start…..but yet once I picked it up…I knew I would finish it and I did…that too very quickly!

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Too hot to write…!

Well sounds wired……but ya….my new excuse for not writing regularly is  …..


 “Its too hot to write”…and I hate getting all sweaty and icckky….ya..writing makes me sweat….now don’t get idea’s….and read on…


Its like I don’t have access to wordpress at work….and don’t have internet connection in a room which has air conditioning… to sit here and write and sweat it out under the fan when you know that heaven at 25 degrees Celsius across the door…becomes a little difficult…


Mumbai is already super hot… top it……we stay on the top floor and have the terrace right above our head which gets heated up during the day and transmits heat into the house once the sun goes down….so the room feels like an oven….and then the laptop generates heat….and overall it gets all too hot and  unbearable….


Now I know it is an excuse….and I can always take the laptop in the other room…write and then come out and post it…I can switch on my Wi-fi and use internet anywhere in the house ( btw…our wi-fi got packed and went into the box because of those damn terrorist attacks L)….or just simply bear the heat and write like I am writing now….


Its not that I have nothing to write…infact I have lots to write…..Goa trip…two books I finished reading..(I know lots of you don’t like reading my book reviews….but what the hell…I like them!) my new life in Rotaract….(finally getting active in the new club!)…Rodies vomit task and Natasha’s superb attitude in it….My first ever test drive of a car….Fiat Linea….and its review..(thumbs down for it in short)….My post which got 1,500 hits…. (yeah!cool na! I have a post which has crossed 1,500 hits within two/three months…the score today is 1650 hits to be precise…) and may more fun things like that….. J Like which phone to buy….Nokia…Supernova 7610….6600..Sony Erickson W595…!??


So now you people have a flavor of what you are missing because it is too hot to write!


(Hahahahah….I am sure you are thinking…thank God…its too hot to write…! ;-))


Anyways….done for my post for the day…..So I get out of this heat….into heaven….





Filed under Blogging

Password Protected Posts- Explained..

Sorry people…..two password protected posts in a row…and then I disappeared for over a week…..I owe you and explanation….

Well here it comes…

Protected Post 1 : Angry! As the name says it….is one of those frustration venting posts….was super pissed with a ‘friend’ …..writing really helped…..and all two weeks of fuming is out on that little password protected piece….so now you know why no one should read it!

Protected Post 2- May 3rd Target…Well…..I am part of spiritual/religious group which follows Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism …..and they say….May 3rd is a very special day…. (I cant remember why it is special…but it is…) and all your wishes/targets come true….if you pray…..and chant towards it …(Ya Buddhist chants are nice and soothing!) So this little protected piece is my May 3rd Target…..if my wishes come true…..I may open out the post…..or maybe not….! Even if I don’t open out the post….I will sure come back and write another post and tell u if the May 3rd Magic works!

So there were my two password protected posts….:-) Explained!! Now no more pings….or requests for passwords plz!

And then I disappeared …..cause I went on a vacation….. to Goa!!…Goa rocks….even in the heat…..and with good company….it just gets even better! Lucky Me!:-D…I have fun cousins to go out with!

Ciao……should come back to writing soon…and may write about Goa…..till then enjoy!!


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